Matthew L. Lundy, Esq.
Email: Matt@MLundyLaw.com
Bar Admissions:
*New Jersey
*U.S. Tax Court
Matthew L. Lundy, Esq. earned his B.A. from Duke University, and his J.D., with honors, from the University of Florida. Following law school, Matthew worked in a law firm handling primarily domestic relations matters and civil litigation. It was during this time that Matthew began to develop a reputation as a young lawyer with a special skill for handling complicated legal and financial issues. As a result, Matthew took on the difficult task of building a practice across state lines, including taking numerous bar exams in addition to his regular workload. This not only grew his practice, but also his knowledge of the law, which can vary dramatically from state to state. Within two years of beginning his practice, Matthew was trying cases, publishing scholarly articles in a variety of legal journals, and traveling around the country conducting seminars for judges, attorneys, and other professionals.
Since forming his own law firm, Matthew has established himself as one of the elite attorneys in the area of retirement account division and administration. He has represented individuals, and small and large companies as to a wide variety of issues related to retirement plans, with an emphasis on work related to qualified plan division in family law matters (usually involving "QDROs"). Matthew also frequently testifies as a court appointed "expert" on matters related to retirement account division.
Matthew is the president of Palm Compliance Services, an ERISA consulting and auditing company that assists small, medium and large companies manage certain aspects of their pension plans.
In 2019, Matthew was awarded the Family Law Section of the Florida Bar's "Visionary Award," which is awarded to one person each year to recognize outstanding contributions to family law. He has also actively served on the executive council of the Family Law Section since 2016.
Matthew has consistently been honored as a "Rising Star" by Super Lawyers Magazine, and as an "Outstanding Young Lawyer" by the American Registry, and has been designated one of the "Top 40 Under 40" by the American Society of Legal Advocates.
Matthew is married to Nava Lundy, a professional artist. They have identical twin daughters and a son, and a rescue dog named Shmuley.